Class IsoFS

Mounts an ISO file as a read-only file system.


  • Vanilla ISO9660 ISOs
  • Microsoft Joliet and Rock Ridge extensions to the ISO9660 standard


  • ReadonlyFS<this> & SyncFS<this> & FileSystem<this>
    • IsoFS


  • Deprecated. Please use IsoFS.Create() method instead.

    Constructs a read-only file system from the given ISO.


    Returns IsoFS


_data: ArrayBuffer
_name: string


  • Parameters

    • path: string
    • flag: string
    • mode: number
    • cred: Cred

    Returns Promise<File>

  • Parameters

    • path: string
    • flag: string
    • mode: number
    • cred: Cred

    Returns File

  • Test whether or not the given path exists by checking with the file system.


    • path: string
    • cred: Cred

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Test whether or not the given path exists by checking with the file system.


    • path: string
    • cred: Cred

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • srcpath: string
    • dstpath: string
    • cred: Cred

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • srcpath: string
    • dstpath: string
    • cred: Cred

    Returns void

  • Returns FileSystemMetadata

  • Parameters

    • path: string
    • mode: number
    • cred: Cred

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • path: string
    • mode: number
    • cred: Cred

    Returns void

  • Opens the file at path p with the given flag. The file must exist.


    • path: string
    • flag: string

      The flag to use when opening the file.

    • cred: Cred

    Returns Promise<File>

  • Parameters

    • path: string
    • flag: string

    Returns NoSyncFile<IsoFS>

  • Asynchronous readdir. Reads the contents of a directory.

    The callback gets two arguments (err, files) where files is an array of the names of the files in the directory excluding '.' and '..'.


    • path: string
    • cred: Cred

    Returns Promise<string[]>

  • Parameters

    • path: string

    Returns string[]

  • Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • oldPath: string
    • newPath: string
    • cred: Cred

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • oldPath: string
    • newPath: string
    • cred: Cred

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • path: string
    • cred: Cred

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • path: string
    • cred: Cred

    Returns void

  • Asynchronous stat.


    • path: string
    • cred: Cred

    Returns Promise<Stats>

  • Parameters

    • path: string

    Returns Stats

  • Parameters

    • path: string
    • data: Uint8Array
    • stats: Readonly<Stats>

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • path: string
    • data: Uint8Array
    • stats: Readonly<Stats>

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • path: string
    • cred: Cred

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • path: string
    • cred: Cred

    Returns void

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