Interface FileSystemMetadata

Metadata about a FileSystem

interface FileSystemMetadata {
    blockSize?: number;
    features?: unknown[];
    freeNodes?: number;
    freeSpace: number;
    name: string;
    noAsyncCache: boolean;
    noResizableBuffers: boolean;
    readonly: boolean;
    totalNodes?: number;
    totalSpace: number;
    type: number;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


blockSize?: number

The optimal block size to use with the file system

features?: unknown[]

Various features the file system supports.

Use FileSystem#attributes

freeNodes?: number

Number of free nodes available

freeSpace: number

The available space

name: string

The name of the FS

Use FileSystem#name

noAsyncCache: boolean

If set, disables caching on async file systems. This means sync operations will not work. It has no affect on sync file systems.


Use `FileSystem#attributes

noResizableBuffers: boolean

If set, disables File from using a resizable array buffer.


Use FileSystem#attributes

readonly: boolean

Whether the FS is readonly or not

Use `FileSystem#attributes

totalNodes?: number

Total number of nodes available

totalSpace: number

The total space

type: number

The type of the FS