Interface StatsLike<T>

interface StatsLike<T> {
    atimeMs: T;
    birthtimeMs: T;
    ctimeMs: T;
    gid: T;
    ino: T;
    mode: T;
    mtimeMs: T;
    size: T;
    uid: T;

Type Parameters

  • T extends number | bigint = number | bigint

Implemented by


atimeMs: T

time of last access, in milliseconds since epoch

birthtimeMs: T

time of file creation, in milliseconds since epoch

ctimeMs: T

time of last time file status was changed, in milliseconds since epoch

gid: T

the id of the group that owns the file

ino: T

the ino

mode: T

Unix-style file mode (e.g. 0o644) that includes the item type Type of the item can be FILE, DIRECTORY, SYMLINK, or SOCKET

mtimeMs: T

time of last modification, in milliseconds since epoch

size: T

Size of the item in bytes. For directories/symlinks, this is normally the size of the struct that represents the item.

uid: T

the id of the user that owns the file