• Asynchronously writes data to a file, replacing the file if it already exists.

    The encoding option is ignored if data is a buffer.


    • this: V_Context
    • path: PathLike | FileHandle
    • data:
          | FileContents
          | Stream
          | Iterable<string | ArrayBufferView<ArrayBufferLike>, any, any>
          | AsyncIterable<string | ArrayBufferView<ArrayBufferLike>, any, any>
    • Optional_options:
          | null
          | BufferEncoding
          | ObjectEncodingOptions & {
              flag?: OpenMode | undefined;
              flush?: boolean;
              mode?: Mode | undefined;

    Returns Promise<void>

    encoding Defaults to 'utf8'.

    mode Defaults to 0644.

    flag Defaults to 'w'.