Function watchFile

  • Watch for changes on a file. The callback listener will be called each time the file is accessed.

    The options argument may be omitted. If provided, it should be an object with a persistent boolean and an interval number specifying the polling interval in milliseconds.

    When a change is detected, the listener callback is called with the current and previous Stats objects.


    • this: V_Context
    • path: PathLike

      The path to the file to watch.

    • listener: (curr: Stats, prev: Stats) => void

      The callback listener to be called when the file changes.

    Returns void

  • Watch for changes on a file. The callback listener will be called each time the file is accessed.

    The options argument may be omitted. If provided, it should be an object with a persistent boolean and an interval number specifying the polling interval in milliseconds.

    When a change is detected, the listener callback is called with the current and previous Stats objects.


    • this: V_Context
    • path: PathLike

      The path to the file to watch.

    • options: { interval?: number; persistent?: boolean }

      Optional options object specifying persistent and interval.

    • listener: (curr: Stats, prev: Stats) => void

      The callback listener to be called when the file changes.

    Returns void