Function cpSync

  • Synchronous cp. Recursively copies a file or directory.


    • source: PathLike

      The source file or directory.

    • destination: PathLike

      The destination file or directory.

    • Optional opts: CopySyncOptions

      Options for the copy operation. Currently supports these options from Node.js 'fs.cpSync':

      • dereference: Dereference symbolic links.
      • errorOnExist: Throw an error if the destination file or directory already exists.
      • filter: A function that takes a source and destination path and returns a boolean, indicating whether to copy the given source element.
      • force: Overwrite the destination if it exists, and overwrite existing readonly destination files.
      • preserveTimestamps: Preserve file timestamps.
      • recursive: If true, copies directories recursively.

    Returns void