Class PassthroughFSInternal

Provides a consistent and easy to use internal API. Default implementations for exists and existsSync are included. If you are extending this class, note that every path is an absolute path and all arguments are present.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



_mountPoint?: string

The last place this file system was mounted

attributes: ConstMap<FileSystemAttributes, keyof FileSystemAttributes, void> & Map<
> = ...


id: number

A unique ID for this kind of file system. Currently unused internally, but could be used for partition tables or something

label?: string
name: string

The name for this file system. For example, tmpfs for an in memory one

nodeFS: __module
prefix: string


  • Reads into a buffer


    • path: string
    • buffer: Uint8Array

      The buffer to read into. You must set the byteOffset and byteLength appropriately!

    • offset: number

      The offset into the file to start reading from

    • end: number

      The position in the file to stop reading

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Reads into a buffer


    • path: string
    • buffer: Uint8Array

      The buffer to read into. You must set the byteOffset and byteLength appropriately!

    • offset: number

      The offset into the file to start reading from

    • end: number

      The position in the file to stop reading

    Returns void

  • Writes a buffer to a file


    • path: string
    • buffer: Uint8Array

      The buffer to write. You must set the byteOffset and byteLength appropriately!

    • offset: number

      The offset in the file to start writing

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Writes a buffer to a file


    • path: string
    • buffer: Uint8Array

      The buffer to write. You must set the byteOffset and byteLength appropriately!

    • offset: number

      The offset in the file to start writing

    Returns void