Class PortFile

Hierarchy (view full)



fd: number
fs: PortFS
path: string

The path to the file

position: number

Get the current file position.


  • Asynchronous datasync.

    Default implementation maps to sync.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Read data from the file.

    Type Parameters

    • TBuffer extends ArrayBufferView


    • buffer: TBuffer

      The buffer that the data will be written to.

    • Optional offset: number

      The offset within the buffer where writing will start.

    • Optional length: number

      An integer specifying the number of bytes to read.

    • Optional position: number

      An integer specifying where to begin reading from in the file. If position is null, data will be read from the current file position.

    Returns Promise<FileReadResult<TBuffer>>

    Promise resolving to the new length of the buffer

  • Type Parameters

    • const T extends "write" | "close" | "read" | "chmod" | "chown" | "stat" | "datasync" | "sync" | "truncate" | "utimes" | "_setType"


    • method: T
    • Rest ...args: Parameters<FileMethods[T]>

    Returns Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<FileMethods[T]>>>

  • Change the file timestamps of the file.


    • atime: Date
    • mtime: Date

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Write buffer to the file. Note that it is unsafe to use fs.write multiple times on the same file without waiting for the callback.


    • buffer: Uint8Array

      Uint8Array containing the data to write to the file.

    • Optional offset: number

      Offset in the buffer to start reading data from.

    • Optional length: number

      The amount of bytes to write to the file.

    • Optional position: number

      Offset from the beginning of the file where this data should be written. If position is null, the data will be written at the current position.

    Returns Promise<number>

    Promise resolving to the new length of the buffer

  • Write buffer to the file. Note that it is unsafe to use fs.writeSync multiple times on the same file without waiting for it to return.

    Returns number