Variable WebStorageConst

WebStorage: {
    name: "WebStorage";
    options: {
        storage: {
            description: "The Storage to use. Defaults to globalThis.localStorage.";
            required: false;
            type: "object";
    create(__namedParameters): StoreFS<WebStorageStore>;
    isAvailable(storage?): boolean;
} = ...

A synchronous file system backed by a Storage (e.g. localStorage).

Type declaration

  • Readonly name: "WebStorage"
  • Readonly options: {
        storage: {
            description: "The Storage to use. Defaults to globalThis.localStorage.";
            required: false;
            type: "object";
    • Readonly storage: {
          description: "The Storage to use. Defaults to globalThis.localStorage.";
          required: false;
          type: "object";
      • Readonly description: "The Storage to use. Defaults to globalThis.localStorage."
      • Readonly required: false
      • Readonly type: "object"
  • create:function
  • isAvailable:function
    • Parameters

      • storage: Storage = globalThis.localStorage

      Returns boolean

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